Peter Gouldmann is the first Enterprise Risk Officer for Cyber at the U. S. Department of State. In this role he advises executive leadership on risk decisions while developing and directing the implementation of risk management strategies. Mr. Gouldmann has extensive experience in cybersecurity with leadership roles encompassing business and organizational risk, system security management and regulatory compliance. Pete advises executive leadership on risk decisions while developing and directing the implementation of risk management strategies. Previously he directed staff responsible for IT security compliance and regulatory reporting, and managed a global, multi-agency network and support consolidation project.
Pete’s 30+ years of information technology and security experience includes positions in public, private, domestic and global organizations and the United States Air Force. In addition to industry certifications, he holds a Masters Degree in Information Management, a Bachelor of Science in Management, and is a distinguished graduate of the National Defense University’s Advanced Management Program.
Pete is an expert in, and often speaks and writes about information risk management. He has co-chaired the Committee on National Security Systems Permanent Subcommittee and the (ISC)2 Government Advisory Council. He was awarded the President’s Award for his contributions to (ISC)2. Pete is also attributed for his contributions to the National Institute of Standards and Technology SP800 series information security publications and is an Assistant Adjunct Professor for the University of Maryland University College’s Cybersecurity Management and Policy Program.