Past President: Jason Bruno

Mr. Bruno, a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES), is the Director of the Office of Strategic Oversight and Performance (OSOP) within the Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA). Prior to his role as Director of OSOP, he was the Director of BTFA’s Office of Trust Risk, Evaluation, and Compliance.  Mr. Bruno came to BTFA as the Director of the Bureau’s Office of Historical Accounting. Prior to coming to BTFA, Mr. Bruno worked as Deputy Director of the Indian Trust Litigation Office within DOI’s Office of the Solicitor, and before that was a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Section. Jason started his legal career as an associate at Dickstein Shapiro, LLP, in Washington, DC, after graduating with honors from North Carolina School of Law, where he was Notes Editor of the Law Review.

Jason is a former U.S. Amateur Boxing Association (ABA) and Golden Gloves middleweight boxer, and fought competitively at the amateur level for over ten years. Jason qualified for and fought in the U.S. ABA National Championships in 1999, during his second year of law school. More recently, Jason has spent 15 years coaching youth basketball for the City of Alexandria recreation leagues, and spent 10 years teaching religious education to 6th-8th grade youth at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington.