
Quick Poll — OMB Circular A-123

This poll is closed, see results & comments below! Opinions shared in this poll are those of the individuals who respond, and do not reflect AFERM’s position.  While this is a private forum only for AFERM members, all responses are subject to moderation and removal. Please keep all comments professional.

AFERM Announces 2017 Board of Directors

WASHINGTON, DC, December 8, 2016 — The Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM) announced its newly elected Board of Directors for Fiscal 2017. The announcement was made at the conclusion of AFERM’s highly successful 9th annual Federal Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Summit which assembled over 460 Federal ERM professionals from across the public and (more…)

Mader, Philbin and Hirth to Present at AFERM 2016 Summit

AFERM is continuing the tradition of attracting leaders from all across the ERM community to share insights, experiences, and ideas at its annual Summit.  The first three plenary session speakers for the November 7-8, 2016 event have just been announced.

AFERM Board Nominations for FY17-19 Now Open

The AFERM Nominating Committee is soliciting expressions of interest for nominations for the following AFERM Board positions:

  • President-Elect (for a 3-year term on the Board: 1 year as President-Elect, 1 year as President, and 1 year as Immediate Past President)
  • Treasurer-Elect (for a 3-year term on the Board: 1 year as Treasurer-Elect and 2 years as Treasurer)
  • Two (2) Vice-Presidents (for a 3-year term)

Registration is now Open for the 2016 AFERM Summit (Nov. 7-8, 2016)

The AFERM Summit Committee is actively planning another stellar set of presentations for this year’s annual summit to be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, on Monday and Tuesday, November 7-8, 2016. “Early Bird” pricing is now available, but only through October 16, 2016. Thereafter, regular rates will apply. Register Here Today!!

White House Releases OMB Circular A-123 on ERM and Internal Controls AFERM Responds with Expanded ERM Training Program for Federal Agencies

The Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM) greeted the release of OMB Circular A-123, “Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control,” and related Chief Financial Officers Council (CFOC) and the Performance Improvement Council (PIC) “Playbook: Enterprise Risk Management for the U.S. Federal Government” with great enthusiasm. “AFERM welcomes this release and its carefully crafted (more…)

AFERM 2016 ERM Public Sector Survey

AFERM and PwC have partnered to develop the 2016 Annual Survey of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in the Public Sector.  Together, we are pleased to present this year’s survey.

AFERM elects new board of directors, OMB’s revised A-123 to be a 2016 focus

WASHINGTON, DC, February 24, 2016 — Today the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM) announced a new slate of officers for 2016. With the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issuing new Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and internal controls guidelines in 2016 as part of an update to OMB Circular A-123, AFERM leadership will be focused on additional outreach to ERM professionals in communicating what these guidelines mean to the future of ERM in the federal government and supporting the implementation of the guidelines. AFERM is the only organization that exclusively promotes and supports ERM in the federal sector.