Pursuing IT Modernization at OPM

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Michael J. Keegan A Conversation with Guy Cavallo, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) “Given I am the tenth CIO in the last 12 years at OPM,” explains Guy Cavallo, “I am focused on bringing (more…)

Affordable Broadband: FCC Could Improve Performance Goals and Measures, Consumer Outreach, and Fraud Risk Management

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program offers eligible low-income households discounts on the cost of their broadband service and certain devices. FCC reimburses participating internet service providers for providing these discounts. Since launching, the program has grown to include (more…)

Broadband Funding: Stronger Management of Performance and Fraud Risk Needed for Tribal and Public-Private Partnership Grants

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) management of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) and Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP) was generally consistent with recommended practices for awarding grants. However, NTIA took longer than expected to announce awards. For example, NTIA (more…)

How federal agencies embrace flexibility and bring visibility to the cloud

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Monday, January 23, 2023 Dan Chenok One commonly touted benefit of moving operations to the cloud is savings. Blog Co-Authors: Emma Shirato Almon, Associate Manager, Partnership for Public Service; Trista Colbert, vice president and senior partner of hybrid cloud management, IBM; Will Kimball, (more…)

Weekly Roundup January 16-20, 2023

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Friday, January 20, 2023 Michael J. Keegan Articles & insights in public management & leadership that we have found of interest for the week ending January 20. When the Infrastructure Boom Meets the Workforce Crash. Now, with the federal government pouring cascades (more…)

On Leading GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Thursday, January 19, 2023 Michael J. Keegan A Conversation with Sonny Hashmi, Commissioner, Federal Acquisition Service The U.S. General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) uses the collective buying power of the federal government to acquire goods and services to support its (more…)

Cybersecurity High-Risk Series: Challenges in Establishing a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy and Performing Effective Oversight

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. Overview We have made about 335 recommendations in public reports since 2010 with respect to establishing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy and performing oversight. Until these are fully implemented, federal agencies will be more limited in their ability to protect private and sensitive data entrusted (more…)