Using future recovery funds to help deliver key services during critical times of need.

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Monday, August 14, 2023 Dan Chenok The COVID-19 pandemic—even more than the 2008-2009 banking, housing and economic crises—demanded an extraordinary and sweeping response, and tranches of subsequent, large-scale emergency appropriations. Of the numerous bills that distributed funds to individuals, businesses and government (more…)

Weekly Roundup: August 7-11, 2023

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Friday, August 11, 2023 Michael J. Keegan Articles & insights in public management & leadership that we found of interest for the week ending August 11, 2023  Pentagon launches new task force to map future of generative AI. The Pentagon wants to start (more…)

Making Government AI-Ready Begins with an AI-Ready Workforce

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Friday, August 11, 2023 Alan Shark There has been much talk about having an AI-Ready Workforce, yet there seems to be more focus on the need than on how we can achieve this. This is the third in a series of articles (more…)

Realizing Indonesia’s Digital Transformation Ambition: From AI to IoT

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Kevin C. Desouza Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia and has several of the vital ingredients needed to become a digital leader. Its technology start-up ecosystem is second only to Singapore within the region. The federal (more…)

Helping Governments Prepare for Future Crises

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Helping Governments Prepare for Future Crises.pdf Karen Kunz Scott Pattison In response to multiple outlays of funds to help address the impact of the pandemic, states have used federal recovery funds for a diverse set of activities, including to replenish lost revenue, (more…)

Agencies to get more than a dozen new cyber acquisition regs in the coming years

This post first appeared on Federal News Network. Read the original article. Cybersecurity permeates nearly every conversation in the federal community already. And it’s about to soak in much deeper. The Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council is reviewing a dozen different proposals to expand cybersecurity requirements across federal procurement. The White House and Congress equally are (more…)

Weekly Roundup: July 31-August 4, 2023

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Friday, August 4, 2023 Michael J. Keegan DoD CIO Points Agencies to JWWC for Future Cloud Wants. The Pentagon’s top technology official is pushing defense agencies and components to use the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) contract for all future cloud acquisitions (more…)

Aligning to NCS pillars using a secure-by-design approach

This post first appeared on Federal News Network. Read the original article. The National Cybersecurity Strategy released earlier this year outlines a significant shift in our nation’s approach to supply chain security, raising security standards along every step of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). As accountability for security expands from IT to developers, organizations responsible (more…)

NCMA World Congress: A rich knowledge environment

This post first appeared on Federal News Network. Read the original article. The NCMA World Congress came back last month. Not that the National Contract Management Association’s annual confab ever went away. But the most recent event, at Nashville’s Gaylord Grand Opry Resort and Convention Center, drew more than 3,000 attendees in person, the most (more…)