Understanding Cognitive Counter-Fraud, Waste and Abuse

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Over the past decade, federal government agencies have made notable progress with respect to combatting fraud and improper payments as part of agency-specific program integrity efforts. Greg Greben, Vice President and Client Group Leader, Federal Civilian & Healthcare Agencies, IBM Global Business (more…)

Actionable Cybersecurity Practices for the 21st Century: Perspectives from Experts

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. A recent meeting of public and private sector experts identified real challenges and practical opportunities for change. The IBM Center recently partnered with the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) and George Washington University Center for Cyber and Homeland Security to (more…)

Post-Harvey Lessons For Chemical Plant Managers

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. One of the many hazards exposed by Hurricane Harvey occurred in Crosby, Texas, when the Arkema chemical plant suffered fires and small explosions on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. Floodwaters caused the fires by penetrating the facility and shutting down the cooling systems (more…)

Timing is Everything In Crime Insurance Claims

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. In current discussion of fraud and crime coverage, emerging cyberrisks and appalling financial schemes grab the headlines, and the direct loss conundrum captivates coverage counsel. While policyholders and their risk managers should of course monitor those issues, they also should remember the basic (more…)

Ensuring Your Company’s Disaster Relief Donations Are Well Received

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. With Hurricane Harvey’s effects being felt in Texas and Louisiana for some time to come, businesses may want to help victims by making corporate donations. Corporate decision-makers should carefully consider ways to contribute, since some recent post-disaster efforts have not helped as intended. (more…)

The Hunt for Risk Management’s Panda

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. You may never have heard of Chi Chi the giant panda, but you would almost certainly recognize her image. In 1961, Sir Peter Scott used sketches of Chi Chi to design the original logo for the World Wildlife Fund (now the World Wide (more…)

The Psychology of Risk

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Over the past several years, psychologists, behavioral scientists and academics have helped to advance our understanding of human psychology and, specifically, how humans respond to high-risk and crisis situations. This research has highlighted how a lack of pre-crisis training and preparation may exacerbate (more…)

Four Key Cyberrisk Management Questions for Directors and Officers

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Courts have historically made it difficult to hold directors and officers personally liable for breaches of fiduciary duties. But as cyberrisk management liability standards evolve, directors and officers increasingly face the risk of personal exposure. In September 2015, following Home Depot’s high-profile data (more…)

College Captive Offers Hands-On Experience

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, as workers retire or change jobs, in the next five years alone, the insurance industry will need to replace 104,000 insurance agents, 71,900 claims adjusters, 67,400 claims/policy processing clerks, 28,900 underwriters, 8,500 software developers/programmers, 7,500 computer/information (more…)

5 Best Practices for IoT Privacy Compliance

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. According to a January 2017 forecast from Gartner, 8.4 billion internet of things items will be in use worldwide this year—a 31% increase from 2016—to the tune of almost $2 trillion in annual spending on devices and services. As companies create these interactive (more…)