Technology to the Rescue

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. The trio of powerful hurricanes that impacted Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the rest of the Caribbean in 2017 left large swaths of destruction in their wake and much work to be done to restore business and infrastructure operations. To (more…)

Risk Management’s Strategic Role

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. The financial crisis that began a decade ago undoubtedly triggered a renewed focus on risk management. One result is that finance executives and risk professionals are increasingly asked to provide insights on risks to inform decisions that impact organizational strategy. In the 2017 (more…)

How to Manage Personal Device Risk

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. In the decade since the iPhone was released in 2007, mobile device adoption has exploded in the workplace. Bring your own device (BYOD) policies are proliferating at a faster rate than the use of corporate-owned devices. Many security teams have moved to control (more…)

Inside New York’s Cyber Regulation

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. In March 2017, the New York State Department of Financial Services passed 23 NCRR 500, which establishes cybersecurity requirements for financial services companies. The regulation is one of the first to advocate a risk-based approach to security that does more than simply react (more…)

ERM and the Art of Motorcycle Adventure

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. This summer, I took a six-day motorcycle trip through Montana and Wyoming. While touring some of the most beautiful parts of the country, it struck me that operating a motorcycle and implementing ERM have a lot in common. On the road, the continuous (more…)

ERM Benchmarks

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Since the financial crisis nearly 10 years ago, the financial industry has led the way in adoption and advancement of enterprise risk management programs, according to the RIMS 2017 Enterprise Risk Management Benchmark Survey. In 2013, more than half of respondents in the (more…)

What Organizations Need to Know about Risk Culture Audits

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. Today’s risks require more proactive oversight by boards of directors on the issue of risk management. Transitioning to this approach is easier said than done, however. The trouble is that many organizations are weighed down by antiquated risk management frameworks that prevent them (more…)

Drivers Transforming Government: Risk

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article. Mitigating risk, managing cybersecurity, and building resiliency to meet the mission of government Note: The IBM Center recently released Seven Drivers Transforming Government, a series of essays exploring key drivers of change in government. It is based on our research and numerous (more…)

Is Environmental Regulation Dead?

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. With the dramatic change in the governing philosophy of the nation’s commander-in-chief, coupled with Republican domination of Congress and state governments, some are wondering: Is environmental regulation dead? The answer to this question has critical relevance to risk managers who focus on identifying, (more…)

Open Offices and Holidays: A Parade of Risks

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. ‘Tis the season for many businesses to stay open through the holidays and for some to take part in the tradition of partying or watching a parade warmly from behind office windows. That’s why businesses located near public events should inform employees of (more…)