Avoiding CCPA-Related Insurance Gaps

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Beginning January 1, 2020, companies doing business in California that meet certain criteria will be subject to a new regulation, as the sweeping California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) goes into effect. The CCPA provides extensive protections for consumers with respect to the collection, (more…)

Managing the Human Impact of M&As

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Human resources are the most important assets for many organizations. The enterprise’s success or failure hinges on employee productivity, satisfaction and retention. So, when two companies come together in a merger or acquisition, managing the human impact is critical. Planning for the people (more…)

Cyberrisk Confidence Waning

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Business leaders are increasingly concerned about cyberrisk, and their confidence in their organization’s ability to adequately manage it has notably declined, according to the 2019 Global Cyber Risk Perception Survey by Marsh and Microsoft. The survey found that 79% of respondents consider cyberrisk (more…)

Why Companies Should Be Open About Cybersecurity

This post first appeared on Next Gov. Read the original article. Companies that are open about their cybersecurity risk management fare significantly better with investors than peers that don’t disclose those efforts, new research shows.

Telecommunications: FCC Should Take Additional Action to Manage Fraud Risks in Its Program to Support Broadband Service in High-Cost Areas, Oct 23, 2019

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has implemented several funding reforms for small, rural telecommunications carriers—referred to as “rate-of-return carriers”—receiving high-cost program support. These reforms are aimed at controlling the program’s expenditures and incentivizing efficient broadband deployment. According to FCC’s strategic plan, (more…)

Climate Resilience: A Strategic Investment Approach for High-Priority Projects Could Help Target Federal Resources, Oct 23, 2019

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found The federal government has invested in projects that may enhance climate resilience, but it does not have a strategic approach to guide its investments in high-priority climate resilience projects. Enhancing climate resilience means taking actions to reduce potential future losses by (more…)

Superfund: EPA Should Take Additional Actions to Manage Risks from Climate Change, Oct 18, 2019

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found Available federal data—from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Forest Service—on flooding, storm surge, wildfires, and sea level rise suggest that about 60 percent of all nonfederal National Priorities List (NPL) (more…)

Superfund: EPA Should Take Additional Actions to Manage Risks from Climate Change, Oct 18, 2019

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found Available federal data—from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Forest Service—on flooding, storm surge, wildfires, and sea level rise suggest that about 60 percent of all nonfederal National Priorities List (NPL) (more…)

Strategies to Prevent Internal Fraud

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. As employees can be key perpetrators of fraud, creating and implementing best practices with regard to insiders is a key part of an enterprise’s everyday risk management procedures. For example, developing internal controls that involve multiple layers of review for financial transactions, and arranging (more…)

Cyber Coverage Confusion

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. One of the most devastating cyberattacks in history, NotPetya was unleashed upon thousands of companies in early summer 2017. Its unique infection path and speed of transmission startled even seasoned IT administrators. The malware variant’s first target was a small tax software firm (more…)