Notepad: Risk in Review – March 2020

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. Coronavirus Infects Tens of Thousands Worldwide The novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, which the World Health Organization (WHO) formally declared a global health emergency in late January, continues to spread throughout China and other countries. The virus has claimed more victims than the SARS outbreak (more…)

Mitigating Payment Fraud Risks

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. For businesses that thrive on person-to-person transactions, cash is quickly being replaced by cards, as well as tap-to-pay systems, mobile wallets and QR-based payment systems. These technologies will continue to dominate the market in the near future, but the long-term future of the (more…)

Adapting to technological change in op risk management

This post first appeared on Read the original article. Baker McKenzie‘s Jonathan Peddie explains how the role of operational risk manager has evolved in recent years, how financial firms are managing increasing demand for data privacy and transparency, and how technological advancements over the coming decade will change operational risk and its prevention

Adapting to technological change in op risk management

This post first appeared on Read the original article. Baker McKenzie‘s Jonathan Peddie explains how the role of operational risk manager has evolved in recent years, how financial firms are managing increasing demand for data privacy and transparency, and how technological advancements over the coming decade will change operational risk and its prevention

DISA breach likely exposed personal data on at least 200K

The breach at one of the networks of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), which secures communications for President Trump and military intelligence and other government officials, affected as many as 200,000 people

Arbitrating Insurance Coverage Disputes and the New ARIAS Rules

This post first appeared on Risk Management Magazine. Read the original article. In a seminal treatise on Bermuda Form arbitration, the authors explained that the liability crisis of the mid-1980s resulted in the shifting of the resolution of insurance coverage disputes from U.S. courts to London arbitration.[ In a similar vein, it is increasingly common (more…)

National Biodefense Strategy: Additional Efforts Would Enhance Likelihood of Effective Implementation, Feb 19, 2020

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found Issued in September 2018, the National Biodefense Strategy (Strategy) and implementation plan, along with National Security Presidential Memorandum-14 (NSPM-14), are designed to enhance national biodefense capabilities. NSPM-14 established a governance structure composed of relevant federal agencies and chaired by the Secretary (more…)

National Biodefense Strategy: Additional Efforts Would Enhance Likelihood of Effective Implementation, Feb 19, 2020

This post first appeared on GAO Reports. Read the original article. What GAO Found Issued in September 2018, the National Biodefense Strategy (Strategy) and implementation plan, along with National Security Presidential Memorandum-14 (NSPM-14), are designed to enhance national biodefense capabilities. NSPM-14 established a governance structure composed of relevant federal agencies and chaired by the Secretary (more…)

Managing Coronavirus Business Interruptions

This post first appeared on Risk Management Monitor. Read the original article. The novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, now called COVID-19, has continued to spread through China and beyond, with more than 1,800 deaths reported as of this writing. The virus’s spread has also had major impacts on business operations around the world, slowing or shuttering international (more…)