Managing the New Era of Deterrence and Warfare: Visualizing the Information Domain

This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article.

This report is the capstone of a series that our two organizations led over the past year, which convened leaders from allied, partnered, and U.S. militaries, governments, academia, and industry to envision and shape future strategic advantages through visualizing information operations.

Additional authors include: Leendert van Bochoven, Stephen Gordon, Tim Hofmockel, Frederick Kagan, Nils Peterson, and Noah Ringler

The three events gathered experts and practitioners to discuss the topic from a theoretical perspective, as it pertains to the case of Russia, and finally of China.

U.S. and allied leaders increasingly need new solutions for achieving and maintaining a common operating picture that integrates information operations with air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains. This report addresses the unique challenges for understanding and visualizing the information domain and its importance in managing modern defense and intelligence activity. The report also puts forward criteria for how such visualizations could be developed in the future to support managing information activities at the operational, analytical, and decision-maker levels.

We hope that this report helps to increase understanding and collaboration around developing information visualizations that can help the U.S., allies, and partners address everaccelerating challenges.

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