The rapidly evolving program/mission operations, human capital, cybersecurity, information technology risk landscapes, including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, have emphasized the importance of addressing operational risks and exploiting opportunities that enable government agencies to focus on mission delivery. This panel will provide insights into risk prioritization and response strategies that federal health agencies (more…)
Session 3B: Managing Global Risks — Insights and Techniques
Global risks have had a real impact on your mission and operations in recent years, even for agencies that are domestically focused. But how do you manage risks that are so big and out of an agency’s control? In this session we will examine some of the impacts organizations have felt from global risks in (more…)
Session 4C: Using Technology to Advance Global Risk Management: Reflections on USAID’s ERM Tool Deployment
This session will share firsthand insights from USAID’s experience of developing and deploying the Agency’s ERM Tool across over 110 Missions, Bureaus, and Offices in Washington and around the world.
Session 2C: Beyond the Risk Register – Showing the Value of ERM
This session will include three Federal ERM panelists who will describe how they have moved beyond the traditional ERM activities like completing a risk register to show value to their overall agency.
Session 2B: Leveraging Your Enterprise Risks with Program Integrity
This will be a session on best practices for incorporating program integrity principles into the development and oversight of your enterprise risks. Program Integrity for EPA encompasses the following key components: Audit Management, Risk Management, Internal Controls, Fraud Risk Management, and Payment Integrity.
Session 2A: Linking Human-Centered Design and ERM: An Exploration of Concepts and Practice
In this session, participants will discover the linkage between human-centered design (HCD) techniques and ERM and explore if HCD approaches can help improve ERM effectiveness. A poll will be administered and the 13 ways HCD can affect ERM will be shared with attendees.
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Session 1C: ERM’s Role in Risk-Informed Decision-Making
Decision-makers and heads of ERM alike report that significant business decisions are insufficiently risk-informed. Information abounds, but it is overloading decision-makers. To improve decision quality in today’s environment, ERM must resist the impulse to provide more information and instead, help executive decision-makers make sense of risk information.
Session 1B: Building a program through collaboration
Discuss standing up a department level program and the importance of collaboration in making it work.