Breakout Session 3C: Aligning Third-Party Supplier Risks with a Healthcare System’s Enterprise Risk Management Program

This session will discuss the journey that Intermountain Healthcare has taken to design and implement a third-party supplier risk management program using Enterprise Risk Management principles. Our goal is to create an infrastructure for identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating the following nine risk categories-location risk, sourcing risk, labor risk, financial stability risk, compliance risk, logistics (more…)

Breakout Session 3B: The Case for a Federal CRO

This breakout discussion will address how ERM is currently applied in organizations and agencies and how it could be applied at the broader government level. This broader level might necessitate a CRO for the United States.

Breakout Session 3A: Accelerating Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program Maturity through Technology Enablement

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) technologies and data analytics are helping organizations automate manual processes, improve data quality, and gain insights into their data in new ways. This session will explore the criticality of GRC technology to managing risk portfolios with a lens on connecting data points to inform key strategic, operational, budgetary and acquisition (more…)

Breakout Session 2D: Sustaining ERM and Building Momentum

How can we communicate the need for ERM to new leadership and gain their buy-in. How do we articulate ERM successes and demonstrate the value of ERM? How do we continue to mature ERM capabilities and sustain organization-wide engagement?

Breakout Session 2B: Integrating ERM and Budget Formulation

The FDA and HUD panelists will provide strategies and tactics that support risk-informed decision-making. Both agencies’ speakers will describe changes they have made to their FY 2023 Budget processes to better communicate on and manage enterprise risks. These include both tools and templates as well as ideas on relationships to make sure to foster.

Breakout Session 2A: Aligning ESG and ERM to Support Strategy & Mission

Integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues is a critical step to understand and manage an organization’s full risk exposure. ESG captures critical issues that naturally align with risk – environmental concerns, such as climate impact, social issues such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, and governance, such as stewardship or sustainability.