On January 24th, 2018, AFERM hosted a networking event for AFERM members. The event included a presentation by Nandini Kini, Senior Director for ERM at Capital One. Nandini presented on how ERM is evolving in the private sector and shared some ERM leading practices and lessons learned from the private sector as well.
Nandini Kini is an ERM professional with an extensive track record building critical, bank-wide risk management capabilities in support of the CRO agenda. Her risk experience spans all three lines of defense, most risk categories, and over 20 countries. As a senior leader at a large Foreign Bank, she set up, managed, and transformed a global risk middle office function, spanning 18 countries and ~250 staff. She recently joined Capital One after 3 years with KPMG’s Financial Risk Management practice. She holds an MBA from Duke University, and an undergraduate degree in engineering from the National Institute of Technology, India.
If you missed the event or want to review the presentation you saw, it’s now available for members to download.